serial experiments: lain

vulture hierarchy is based mainly on size, and man oh man is lain tiny! i mean, just look at her!
despite lain's short stature, we continue to love her. what, with her oh so simple view on humanity and her recently found theory that says everyone can be connected without the use of the wired. it all started when lain receives an e-mail from a girl who committed suicide the day before: "I just abandoned my body. I still live here..." goodness gracious, has the line between the real world and the wired world begun to blur? no, no it has not. it's just a show (a wonderful, masterpiece of a show), mailbox head. you... shouldn't take things so seriously.

oh and kids, i made you some tuna fish sandwiches for later. they are in the baggies labeled "mark" and "jenny" in the fridge. (try to stay away from your father if you see a few empty bottles around him towards bedtime...)
